I'm so thrilled to announce I have a new site. Please come and visit me at www.heidisonboul.com
Thank you for following this blog for the last 6 years. The new site will go live tonight at midnight PST.
The Count Down Begins
So I'm running on 1.5 hours of sleep. I stayed up all night long working on the coding/linking of the site and just as I slipped into bed, Bradley greeted me and asked for Breakfast. Bummer! I honestly think these are the biggest bags I've ever had under my eyes. Lucky for me it's sunny weather outside, so I can rock sunglasses.
We are now done with 80% of the site and I can tell these last 2 days are going to be a mad dash to get everything perfect. I'm pretty sure it's my fault for making the work load so heavy, but I really want it to be da bomb before we show it to the world. Hey, so do you want another sneak peek?
We are now done with 80% of the site and I can tell these last 2 days are going to be a mad dash to get everything perfect. I'm pretty sure it's my fault for making the work load so heavy, but I really want it to be da bomb before we show it to the world. Hey, so do you want another sneak peek?
I'm in a tizzy knowing that my shindig is all going down on Monday AND is it ever going to be a party. Tons of my bosom buddies are helping out with the blog hop and the amount of giveaways is important to note. I alone am doing 6 giveaways and the $ value is so generous from all the companies donating. Oh and speaking of giveaways, I saw how many people entered into win Special Delivery and I was so happy. It makes me feel so good inside knowing that over 900 people wanted to win it. Now I know I've blogged about it a kabillion times, but make sure to mark your calendar for May 6th- the 10th :)
One last thing before I go, I finally broke down and signed up for Instagram. Well, it's more so because we FINALLY got an iphone and I totally get it now. Having a tiny computer in your back pocket is fab-o! So you can find me here on Instagam.
P.S. I've linked where you can pre-order my book, over to the top of the right side bar.

Let Talk Giveaways
What's a blog party without a ton of giveaways?!
When I first started working on the book, I had a lot of product donated to me and it made making the book feel like a picnic in the park. In fact I felt spoiled..almost like I was a 5 years old on Christmas morning. Once the book was finished, I contacted all the same companies and they were once again good to me... and now you ;)

Here is the giveaway line up this next week:
GCD Studios, Fiskars, American Crafts, Crate Paper, Studio Calico, My Mind’s Eye, Craft Junction, October Afternoon, Technique Tuesday AND let me tell you... they are all NEW collections and tools.
Some of you have already bought the online book and I'm dying to know what you think! Please do share a comment and let me know. For those that are waiting for the book, here is another sneak peek. This layout is one of my favorites in the book. It might be because Calvin is on it and he has the world's greatest chubby kissable cheeks.

When I first started working on the book, I had a lot of product donated to me and it made making the book feel like a picnic in the park. In fact I felt spoiled..almost like I was a 5 years old on Christmas morning. Once the book was finished, I contacted all the same companies and they were once again good to me... and now you ;)

Here is the giveaway line up this next week:
GCD Studios, Fiskars, American Crafts, Crate Paper, Studio Calico, My Mind’s Eye, Craft Junction, October Afternoon, Technique Tuesday AND let me tell you... they are all NEW collections and tools.
Some of you have already bought the online book and I'm dying to know what you think! Please do share a comment and let me know. For those that are waiting for the book, here is another sneak peek. This layout is one of my favorites in the book. It might be because Calvin is on it and he has the world's greatest chubby kissable cheeks.

Today Northridge is giving away this And if you go here you can win my Special Delivery collection :)

The first real sneak peek inside the book

Surprise! It's an early sneak peek of my alphabet chapter. Out of all the chapters in the book, this one is my favorite. I challenged myself to make a layout for every letter in the alphabet and it wasn't easy. When I got to Mm I thought "I don't know if I'll make it", but I pushed on and made it all the way to Zz. Each letter represents something different... from a technique, to a theme or a design. Xx was a tricky one until I figured out that I could do cross stitching for it. Yeah I know it's kinda cheating, but really... what works for X other than that?! haha

In about two weeks I'll show a real easy way to create this look, in a class and how to stay in form.

And if you haven't heard... you can now pre-order the book. The first batch of pre orders are going fast, so make sure to get it now. That way it won't be on back order for you. Before I go I wanted to thank everyone for their support and friendship. It means so much to me and I'm pretty sure this is why I love the scrapbook world so much. A whole lot of sisterhood.
Click to buy

You can now Pre-order my book
Tomorrow is the big day and I just may pass out from the excitement! It's hard to believe that after months of work, it's all packaged up in a pretty little cover. A cover that has me on it. I was a little nervous to document my fassy (Fat+Sassy= Fassy) curves, but heck... it's who I am right now and I'm okay with it. On the day of the photo shoot my hair was being super good to me, because trust me... this thing has a mind of it's own.
So why the beach?
I grew up in California and it has my heart. I'm sure there will come a day when our family might move away from the earth's most perfect weather, but for now we've got our feet planted in the sand. I've spent a lot of time hanging out there with friends while growing up and have even camped there, so naturally I would pick it for the shoot. I got a lot of funny looks dragging the bike to the shoreline. My bike is crazy heavy, which made it even funnier and can you believe this was the 8th shot of the shoot? I'm so thrilled we didn't have to reshoot it all.

Important info:
The digital copy goes live on the 1st of May
The paper back hits stands on the 15th of May
To PRE-ORDER the book Click the button
I'll see you all tomorrow and thanks for your support.

My Book
Hello Spring Cleaning and Beautiful Check Lists

We spent the weekend tending to our check list and I'm happy to say "we finally started our spring cleaning"! Oh man... the amount of dust we found was scary! We vacuumed in corners and organized piles from the last 4 months. The best part was, we only got to the front room and the boy's room. Being on bed rest for 3 weeks caused our house to look like a bomb went off in it and even though the boys hated cleaning, I enjoyed the smell of a dust free room and cleaning products. Sure there are more corners I need to get to, but at least we got 2 rooms completely done. Oh and we finally pushed the hutch into place. That thing has to way at least 2 hundred pounds!

The other item on our list : Finish Building My New Site
I've said it before and I'll say it again "I'm so grateful to be married to a smarty pants computer guy". If I had to pay someone to build the site, it would cost way too much! He has been so good to me and is helping me design it just the way I want it. We still have a lot of work to do before it's ready for the public eye, but I'm so in love with it already. Tomorrow I'll be sharing a link for my book. I can't believe the digital copy goes live on the 1st. If you see it, let me know what you think. I'm dying to know.

About Me,
Family Fun,
Home Decor,
I'm Switching To A .COM
My heart is fluttering with excitement over this news. With the coming of my book, I thought it was time to make the change and to revamp everything in my crafty world. Ya know a "starting fresh" feeling.
Just a little Heidi History:
Years ago when I came into this scrapbook industry, I thought "Queen of Paper" was a cool online profile name. Being that paper was my passion and wanting to stick with the theme, I titled my blog the same. For 9 years I've carried that name around and to be honest, I blush every time I give someone my blog address. I'm pretty sure everyone much think "umm... what did she invent paper or something"? For years I've wanted to switch over to a .com. Worried that no one would read the new blog or follow me there, I did nothing about it. That is until now. Over this past week Mr. Sonboul and I have been designing a new look for my site, which is so fun for this nerdy gal. I'm always so proud of Mr. Sonboul's knowledge of computers, because he is one smart cookie! These last few nights have almost become mini dates, as we work together. Is it too much to say... that his brain is a turn in for me?

The big reveal will be on the first day of my book release party. There will be so many giveaways from many different companies. Like Basic Grey, October Afternoon, GCD Studios (my new collections), Craft Junction Kits and many other companies. Plus everyday I will be sharing peeks inside the book and featuring all the goodies on my new site. So mark those calendars my crafty friends, because this girl is ready to party! Are you ready to party?

Field Trips + Sunburn + Masks + Birds = My Week
This week has been the week of field trips for Bradley's class and I was lucky enough to go on both. Both of the field trips had TONS of walking and going up hills, so I got in a lot of workouts (which is a good thing). In fact my legs are feeling a little sore and I have an awkward sunburn within my hair part. Isn't that the worst place to get a sunburn?!
So just for fun and because Bradley LOVES seeing himself on my blog, I thought I would share the photos
This last photo is of my face. Totally sunburned! Can someone say "I forgot my sunscreen"? Oh and I just found out we are going on another field trip next week. This school is so fantastic!!!!! What school goes on 4 field trips in 1 month?! Umm... our school! Oh and do you see the photo of the Lucha Libre Mask? Yep - I bought two of them for the boys. Thanks Olvera Street.
And before I go... I also wanted to share this new cover of the PaperCut Magazine. It took me forever to make these birds. Like FOREVER! I know it doesn't look like they should, but they totally did! Forming their bodies with wire and paper mache took me the whole day... I know. So lame, but they look uber darn cute. Right?...RIGHT?! lol

I hope you all have a good weekend. Our family will be spending it cleaning and THIS MOM is so thrilled about it! CHA+The Book+The Miscarriage= ONE MESSY HOME!
P.S. DON'T FORGET about this post and my Book Release Party on April 29th-May 3rd. Make sure to follow my blog for the updates. There will be lots more coming.
So just for fun and because Bradley LOVES seeing himself on my blog, I thought I would share the photos

This last photo is of my face. Totally sunburned! Can someone say "I forgot my sunscreen"? Oh and I just found out we are going on another field trip next week. This school is so fantastic!!!!! What school goes on 4 field trips in 1 month?! Umm... our school! Oh and do you see the photo of the Lucha Libre Mask? Yep - I bought two of them for the boys. Thanks Olvera Street.
And before I go... I also wanted to share this new cover of the PaperCut Magazine. It took me forever to make these birds. Like FOREVER! I know it doesn't look like they should, but they totally did! Forming their bodies with wire and paper mache took me the whole day... I know. So lame, but they look uber darn cute. Right?...RIGHT?! lol

I hope you all have a good weekend. Our family will be spending it cleaning and THIS MOM is so thrilled about it! CHA+The Book+The Miscarriage= ONE MESSY HOME!
P.S. DON'T FORGET about this post and my Book Release Party on April 29th-May 3rd. Make sure to follow my blog for the updates. There will be lots more coming.

Family Fun
Water Zorbing
I saw this on Pinterest last night and it made me smile. I feel like this past week has been nothing but me choosing to be happy. There are somedays that are harder than others, but I'm just not that kind of person who can stay sad forever. So today I thought I would post something that's funny... well at least funny to me.

Family Fun
Finally A Layout and A Blog Party Announcement

No... your eyes are not deceiving you! I made a layout for my blog and I'm posting about it... Can you believe it?!

Yesterday I was finally feeling up to some crafting time and so I pulled out all my supplies from the Craft Junctions March Kits. I used a combo of two kits, but most of the papers came from here. If you've looked at my blog this past weekend, I'm pretty sure you'll notice these photos too. They are from this post. So lots of links to look at. Fun right?!

I wanted to keep the layout's color tones warm and yet at the same time... soft. Almost like a sunrise color scheme. The crafty bug has bit me again and it felt so good to scrapbook. While I was on bed rest, I looked at all my crafty friend's blogs and I felt so inspired by all their work. It was nice to just absorb the talents of others, so that when I picked up my scissors... I was ready to work. Oh and speaking of other scrapbookers... my sweet and sassy fun sister in law made a few layouts herself. I thought she did such a great job and I wanted to share the link to them. If you are a scrapper... go leave her some love HERE.

As always, I layered a ton of embellishments and focused on circle shapes. I know it's nothing new, but I ALWAYS love using circles on my layouts. There is something soft and pleasing to the eye about them. Simply put... I love circles and I use them on almost every layout :)
One last thing before I go.... I thought I would share this info.

Dear Disneyland
We seemed to be the last school on Spring Break, which was perfect when going to Disneyland. We walked on almost every ride and the longest we waited was around 30 minutes for a bigger rides. Which again... is not bad at all. With all the sadness in our lives, we wanted to do something special for the boys and decided to take them to the happiest place on earth. Thanks to Uncle Jimmy... we got in for free :)

This was the first time Bradley went on Space Mountain and he is now officially hooked. Calvin decided not to go on it, so Bradley and Mr. Sonboul took our fast passes and went a second time. I think we heard Bradley scream "IT WAS AWESOME" and kabillion times.

A Funny Calvin Fact:
He likes to act super tough on the outside, but he is super tender on the inside. Almost every ride we wanted to go on (like Buzz Light Year) Calvin said "I'm scared and I don't want to get on it". The last time we took him to Disneyland was when he was 3, so he didn't remember any of the rides. Getting him on any ride was just like this photo and every time he got off the ride he would say: "I LOVE THAT RIDE!!! It was totally awesome"! So being the "good" parents that we are, we forced him to get on all the rides...except for the really big rides. Besides he was too short for those anyways.

Later in the day Calvin got picked to train in the Jedi Academy. This photo makes me laugh every time I see it... being that he was staring down Darth Vedar. haha

We let the boys take their chore allowance along. They both bought a sword which was around 5 bucks. Now that we are home, they have been playing pirates for days. So I can say it was money well spent by the boys. Oh and because we saved so much money on getting in Disneyland, we went for a yummy mexican dinner. Dude, it was $50 for the 4 of us.... Disneyland you are so crazy! Let me tell you though, it was delicious AND that salsa KICKED this white girls butt! I even had to spit it out. I know... real classy, but really it was CRAZY hot! It had be begging for water.
We are sad that Spring Break is over, but it was time well spent. While on our break we did all of this:

This was the first time Bradley went on Space Mountain and he is now officially hooked. Calvin decided not to go on it, so Bradley and Mr. Sonboul took our fast passes and went a second time. I think we heard Bradley scream "IT WAS AWESOME" and kabillion times.

A Funny Calvin Fact:
He likes to act super tough on the outside, but he is super tender on the inside. Almost every ride we wanted to go on (like Buzz Light Year) Calvin said "I'm scared and I don't want to get on it". The last time we took him to Disneyland was when he was 3, so he didn't remember any of the rides. Getting him on any ride was just like this photo and every time he got off the ride he would say: "I LOVE THAT RIDE!!! It was totally awesome"! So being the "good" parents that we are, we forced him to get on all the rides...except for the really big rides. Besides he was too short for those anyways.

Later in the day Calvin got picked to train in the Jedi Academy. This photo makes me laugh every time I see it... being that he was staring down Darth Vedar. haha

We let the boys take their chore allowance along. They both bought a sword which was around 5 bucks. Now that we are home, they have been playing pirates for days. So I can say it was money well spent by the boys. Oh and because we saved so much money on getting in Disneyland, we went for a yummy mexican dinner. Dude, it was $50 for the 4 of us.... Disneyland you are so crazy! Let me tell you though, it was delicious AND that salsa KICKED this white girls butt! I even had to spit it out. I know... real classy, but really it was CRAZY hot! It had be begging for water.

We are sad that Spring Break is over, but it was time well spent. While on our break we did all of this:
- Visited the Beach and built a sand castle
- Had a Redo of Easter
- Had a cousin spend the night
- Played tons of board games and the Wii here and there
- Ate amazing food everyday
- Went Miniature Golfing
- Slick track diving/go carts
- Held and visited our neighbor's birds
- Went to the movies
- Visited the LA Temple
- Went to Diddy Riese for ice cook sandwhiches
- Went to Disneyland and rode a TON of rides
- Went to the Cube
- Slept in
- Went water zorbing
- Went to a bubble show...which was AMAZING!
Long story short, I am grateful for family time that heals the heart. We laughed, we cried, and we enjoyed just being the Sonbouls. Something we all 4 desperately needed!

Family Fun
Breakfast For Four
Hey, so do you remember this post?
The post that shared where I bought these delightful supplies?
After all the craziness slowed down I was longing to just be a mommy again and
so I decided that General Conference Sunday would be the day of food.
- Breakfast: waffles, whipped cream, and fresh strawberries
- Lunch: Fettuccine alfredo with tomatoes and salad
- Dinner: Bakes potatoes, steak and salad.
- Treats: Mini root beer floats.
The boys and I woke up early and got to work. Calvin helped with the waffle batter and Bradley practices his big boy cub scout skills, working with a knife and cutting strawberries. It was funny how much he LOVED this big boy job and I've been really trying to give him more opportunities for these moments. If you know me well... you'll know that this is a BIG step for me. I'm kinda a helicopter mom and I wear that title proudly! ;)
After everything had been made and chopped, we sat down (before conference) and ate a delicious meal. I REALLY hate Pancakes and for some reason they have always given me a headache, so I was really jazzed over these waffles. We let the boys top their own waffles and of course this whipped cream was the first thing they both grabbed for. lol
It was nice taking the time to cook with the boys and being back in the kitchen. Again, because of all the craziness... I hadn't cooked in almost two weeks. In fact I could hardly even stand up. My iron levels were really low and I felt like Bambi trying to learn how to walk again (Being a vegetarian and having a miscarriage isn't such a great thing I guess. Lesson learned on that part). Anyways, it was a perfect family moment and again... healing to our souls.

Family Fun
A Redo On Easter
Easter Sunday was a bust this year, so we decided to do a redo of it all. It's kinda what happens when life throws you a BIG O'L curve ball. We wanted to mix it up a little and added oil to the coloring. It made the coolest designs on the eggs. We noticed you have to let them dry in between the colors, so that you can wipe off some of the oil. Once you've done that, you can add the 2nd color. The boys loved this new technique so much.

Family Fun
Today I can breathe
Today I feel like I can breathe.
Maybe it's the nice sunny California weather shining in that's helping.
Maybe it's all the family time this week and being on Spring Break.
All I know is that I feel like I can breathe today and it's a step in the right direction.
I don't know how long the sadness will linger, because I can't imagine it leaving at all.
It's weird really... I keep having these phantom pregnancy moments.
Plus my arms long to hold the baby I gave birth to, but there is no baby to hold.
Two days after giving birth, my milk came in and I wasn't prepared for that surprise.
I totally understand the body would want to produce milk after labor,
but sadly there was no baby to nurse. That part really hurt, because I love...
LOVE nursing my babies.

So to help us all heal, we have been packing our week with magical family moments. Visiting the surf and sand...was a perfect spontaneous moment and with normal clothes on, we played in the wave and then built a sand castle. When we put the finishing touches on the castle, we waited for the shore to fill the moat and when it did... we were so excited. There were only a few people at the beach, so we felt like kings and were able to just be goofy.

Later that night when Calvin was asked to bless the food, he asked in prayer that "mommy would have another baby soon and that it won't die. That the baby won't take long to grow". All his prayers have this same theme and longing to be a big brother. Yes it was the perfect day at the beach filled with laughter and joy, but we all have this aching lingering in our hearts and it's not that we are trying to ignore it... but to just deal with it. That part hurts too.
So today. Today I can breathe and it feels nice. We all seem to hug each other a little tighter and longer, since the big loss. That even though the baby isn't with us any more, we are all so much closer.

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