
Anyone up for a Napoleon Dynamite tour?

So while in Utah we had the chance to go to Logan. While there we found out that the city they filmed Napoleon Dynamite in was just 30-40 mins away. So with that knowledge we jumped in our cars and drove there (with our friends the Ahern's). I promise, I've never laughed so hard in my life!

Jason and I getting some glam shots

This is the school where Napoleon went

Me using my sweet skills to beat Jason! (PS This part of the movie was filmed at a different school)

Emilie Ahern checking out the map to see what was next on the list to visit
and by far this is my favorite picture, Jason hanging out at the "Dynamite's Home"
Hope you all had a great laugh :)

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1 comment:

Just Me said...

that is so awesome! I knew Preston, ID wasn't too far from Logan but I've never actually visited. And i'm laughing that they acutally have a brochure with places to visit!