
A make and Take

I'm teaching a class on Saturday, a "Make & Take" and here it is. It's going to be a $2 class. Isn't it such a fun little box?!

and on a side note... This past Friday we went to visit Nana and Pappy. While there I was taking a few picture so I can scrapbook the home I grew up in and that is when I came across this. THESE ARE ALL COOKING BOOKS! WHY DO THEY NEED SO MANY COOKING BOOKS?! I'm all for new ideas in the kitchen, but why do they need so many? LOL and get this there are even more outside in the garage!

In my home we have 11.

So, here is a funny challenge for you all. who ever can email me a photo of the most cook books, they will win a small scrappy gift from me! remember I need to see a photo!good luck and may the best cooker win.

The winner will be announced on March 15th.

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Just Me said...

I should take a picture of my in-laws cook books! They have so many and I'm pretty sure they haven't been opened in years.

wendipooh13 said...

that looks about right, I think my mom has at least that many..LOL I have what I think is enough right now, no way I will ever get to everything