It was Christmas Eve when we went to Nana and Pappy's house (my Mom and Dads) to celebrate. We had a great time exchanging gifts, eating and laughing.Thanks Mom for making such a beautiful dinner and the yummy strudel!

On Christmas day, we had a blast opening gifts and watching the boys love every minute. This year we gave each of the boys $10, to buy each other a gift. Bradley picked two fun games... which we put to uses right away.

Tomorrow I will be taking down our tree and boxing up all the ornaments. It's amazing how fast this year went by!
We got that same game Christmas eve :) My 2 yr old just likes hitting EVERYTHING in site with the little yellow hammer. My 4 yr old has declared the green hammer his and pretty much just wants to break the ice all by himself ;) Maybe some day we'll actually play it like it's intended :D
These photos are amazing! I love the house with the lights in the trees! Have a great start into the year 2010!
I agree this year went by FAST! AMAZING photos Heidi:D tfs
Happy New Year Heidi!
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