the day started off great!
The boys and I had 3 cups of hot chocolate in the morning (in our new little Christmas cups)...
I took photos of my new scrappy stuff....

We took Bradley to school...
I visited with my buddy Grace T...
Went to Target...
and then...
once the bags were in the trunk and Calvin was buckled up....
I went to start our car (so we could pick Bradley up from school)....
and the car WOULDN'T START!!!!
lol that panicked mother mode came over me....
I thought "Oh my word... how am I going to get Bradley from school????"
After I calmed down....
I called our dear friends Brother and Sister Chase...
and Brother Chase willingly picked Bradley up and brought him to me...
He then tried to give us a jump, but no luck.....
LUCKILY Jason works for Enter Prise Rent A Car and could rent a car....
Brother Chase took us home....
My dad & mom came to the secure and helped with fixing the car :)....
They met Jason in the Target parking lot....
found out that the Battery was bad.....
Brother Chase...
Dad & Mom...
and my sweet hubby Jason (who after fixing the car....went back to school)...
Thank you for saving us and making myself, Calvin and Bradley feel loved!!!
You 4 are our hero's!
so glad it was just the battery! gorgeous los as always Miss Heidi!
Agghh! Hate that panicky feeling. Glad everything worked out okay.
I just wanted to tell you I LOVE your scrapbook pages! I always come to your blog (or your for inspiration. So, thanks!
Wow you had quite the day! I've had car problems before too so I can relate. Besides being grateful for people willing to just drop everything to come to our rescue, I'm grateful for celphones as well. Take care friend. :)
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