

the day started off great!
The boys and I had 3 cups of hot chocolate in the morning (in our new little Christmas cups)...

I took photos of my new scrappy stuff....





We took Bradley to school...
I visited with my buddy Grace T...
Went to Target...
and then...
once the bags were in the trunk and Calvin was buckled up....
I went to start our car (so we could pick Bradley up from school)....
and the car WOULDN'T START!!!!
lol that panicked mother mode came over me....
I thought "Oh my word... how am I going to get Bradley from school????"
After I calmed down....
I called our dear friends Brother and Sister Chase...
and Brother Chase willingly picked Bradley up and brought him to me...
He then tried to give us a jump, but no luck.....
LUCKILY Jason works for Enter Prise Rent A Car and could rent a car....
Brother Chase took us home....
My dad & mom came to the secure and helped with fixing the car :)....
They met Jason in the Target parking lot....
found out that the Battery was bad.....
Brother Chase...
Dad & Mom...
and my sweet hubby Jason (who after fixing the car....went back to school)...

Thank you for saving us and making myself, Calvin and Bradley feel loved!!!
You 4 are our hero's!

Pin It!


cnelson said...

so glad it was just the battery! gorgeous los as always Miss Heidi!

Gwendolyn said...

Agghh! Hate that panicky feeling. Glad everything worked out okay.
I just wanted to tell you I LOVE your scrapbook pages! I always come to your blog (or your SB.com) for inspiration. So, thanks!

Grace Tolman said...

Wow you had quite the day! I've had car problems before too so I can relate. Besides being grateful for people willing to just drop everything to come to our rescue, I'm grateful for celphones as well. Take care friend. :)