
Crazy Hair Day - Part 4

For four years now, our family has taken Crazy Hair Day VERY SERIOUSLY! About a week ago while in Calvin's classroom, I hear the teacher say "this coming Friday is Crazy Hair Day, so make sure to do something fun". There was one BIG problem! I would be at CHA and every year I go all out. You can see past years HERE.

When Mr. Sonboul came home, I told him the sad news and that he would have to do something. I'm going to be honest... I thought he was going to forget or even do something lame. Our family is KNOWN for going all out and "forgetting" just wouldn't do. I think Mr. Sonboul knew how important this "tradition" was to the boys and I, so he came up with a plan. Not only did he remember to do something, but he also took photos?!  Man...this man knows how to turn me on! lol

Again... this guy got major brownie points!


  1. Seriously Jason just got dad if the year!!!!!

  2. Impressive! Look at him work those bobby pins!

  3. Looks like you are not the only brilliant artiste in the family, Heidi!!! You got some hair genius competition!
