
I Was Huffing and Puffing, Trying To Be Healthy

We neighbor 3 fantastic beach cities... like only a 5 minute drive. The weather was sublime and we decided to spend the weekend outdoors. We took the boys to a local workout hot spot (a lot of famous athletes work out here). It's called the Manhattan Beach Sand Dunes and no matter how healthy you are... it will KICK YOUR BUTT! Sadly the sand dune was closed this day for updates, so we decided to play at the park and climb the "stairs". It will also kick your butt. At one point Calvin said "why do the people keep going up and down these stairs"?


I like to think of myself as a healthy chubby girl (I know it's totally an oxymoron), but I do. When I workout I go until I'm dripping with sweat (sorry for the tmi) and I honestly love working out. I just eat way too much for it to count (when I'm stressed). I haven't worked out in about a month and I thought these stairs shouldn't be too hard because I used to do them all the time. Well the key words are "used to". I was maybe up 1/4 of the way and I was already out of breath. It's amazing how fast I got out of my zumba workout routine and the huffing and puffing told me just how much I took a step backwards over this last month. Many people passed me and with each new person going by, I got more and more annoyed! Have I told you I'm competitive? lol


The boys loved this place, but Calvin hated all the gunk in his crocks. He did this a lot.


This place also has a really pretty running (straight up hill) path umbrellaed with trees. Again, another path that will kick your butt. Can you see why people love to come here to workout?!


I'm sharing this photo of the boys together, because I can't get over how old Bradley looks. He looks so grown up with those sunglasses and preppy clothes. He is so tall now and I'm guessing by the time he turns 12, he'll be taller than me.


It was a great day. I really love doing stuff like this.  It's just getting me out the door is where I struggle. I want my boys to do more things like this and I'm only guessing, but I think the more weight I lose... the more I'll want to do these things.



  1. Great pics of the boys! Glad you had a good weekend. I wish our weather would allow for us to be outside. I am a total freeze baby. High for Tuesday, 6 above. Mind you yesterday was 30, but windy (so pretty cold)... I really dislike our fickle winters and have a really bad case of cabin fever and wish spring would just get here already.

  2. What a fun weekend outing. Love all the photos of the boys and you. Where is Jason? Love, Mom

  3. That park looks great; even with the work out! I can't wait for Spring weather to enjoy the outdoors up here!
