
30 Days: 11-12-13

Day 11: Lalala

It was a girls night out and being that we live so close to Hollywood,
we headed over to the CBS studios. My sister, her two girlies and I laughed the night away
and sang along to the contestants. I became a geeky fan what Brittany Spears came out and sat 10 feet from her. Yep- I totally became 15 again. 

Day 12: A Good Example 

This sweet and hard working boy...well... I guess man now, is out
serving the Lord. I love including him in our nightly prayers and reminding the
boys that they have a cousin on a mission. I'm so grateful for his example to serve.

Day 13: Sweat

This is going to be a gross one, BUT I'm grateful for sweat.
Knowing that every drop is helping me reach my goal, makes it worth it.
I'm almost out of the sore stage again...thank heavens!

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