
Play along challenge

I use to play along to this challenge a long time ago and when my dear friend Liz posted it last week... I was in! It's so super simple. Take 12 pictures on the 12th. Easy right?! 
Here is what we did on the 12th

1-Got up early because Calvin was REALLY sick (This was breakfast time, we actually were up at 3:30am)
2- Looked for Bradley Ramona Q. Journal for his book report...I still can't find it! oh darn!
3- Calvin has a nasty flu and not acting like himself. I'm a sad mommy.
4- Noticed that my bling-bling needs to be organized
5- I found this little guy in our bed when making it
6- Bradley's X-Wing Lego ship finally broke and he decided to build this
7- Got my new subscription and I'm loving Martha
8- A fun Chat with Pam
9- No bra and make-up me... no need when kids are sick at home right?!
10- Calvin's temp FINALLY got below 100...FINALLY! I almost took him to the ER he was that sick. 
11- I Calvin and I love these... Thanks to Amber M
12- Bradley just keeps growing and I need to buy him more pants

Next month... you should totally play along!


1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you only posted a head shot of the no make-up and not the bra-less shot!
