
Giddy Up Hobba Nobbers

What would Calvin be without his Hobbes?
When we decided to name our little Calvin, I was on the hunt for the perfect Hobbes!
When Calvin was about 6 months old, I was walking through Target and FINALLY there he was, waiting for us to take him home (I think he was about $12).

Calvin feel in love with him and would often fall asleep on him. Now that Calvin is 5, he loves his Hobba Nobbers more than ever (It's what he calls him). On this day, he was running up and down the hall in our home like crazy. When I turned around to see what he was doing, I realized he was giving him a piggy back ride.


ummm... how cute is this?!
It makes me so happy that we found this perfect fit for him :)
 Who knows how long this love will last. Who knows if Hobbes will start to fall apart, because this little boy loved him so. All I know is....Oh how wondering simple joys are!


  1. That's pretty much the cutest thing I have ever seen. LOVE.

  2. If he does fall apart, put him in a big zip lock plastic bag and keep him forever. Someday, when he is a Dad, you can show him to his childen and how he loved this fellow so much! Love, Mom
